ISO 30071-1
Digital Accessibility Maturity Scorecard

Discover your organisation's score

Built from the ISO 30071-1 Standard, this self-assessment helps you to see how well your organisation has the steps in place to deliver digital accessibility consistently and effectively. While WCAG is great for accessibility of individual sites and apps, the ISO 30071-1 Standard bakes digital accessibility into the DNA of the whole organisation. 

There are about 70 questions across 9 dimensions of how accessibility impacts different aspects of your business, from technology choices to Diversity & Inclusion policies. It will take you about 20 minutes to complete.

Organisations who are doing well with accessibility across all their policies and processes will gain confidence in their best-practices. Organisations who are earlier in their journey will find the questions they need to ask, even if they don’t have the answers yet (just select ‘Don’t Know’ in these cases).

After completing the scorecard, you will get an immediate score and we will email you a link to your personalised 20 page PDF report on your level of maturity, with tips for what your best next steps should be. Do check if this lands in your junk or spam folder by accident.

Accessibility Limitations.

Currently this survey doesn’t work with the keyboard, and requires a mouse or hand gestures (on a touchscreen) to complete it. Some of the forms do not give as good an experience with a screen reader as we would like. Fixes for all of these issues are being worked on. In the meantime, if these limitations cause you any difficulties, please contact us at [email protected] and we can offer you an alternative way of completing the Scorecard.

Enter your details below to start the scorecard

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